***below are the PDF forms outlined for those with disabilities. We are also happy to help you fill out any information within our office.
Personal Information
481 S 8th Ave Brighton, CO 80601
Patient Registration Form
Responsible Party
First Name____________ Preferred____________ Initial___________ Last Name______________
First Name____________ Preferred____________ Initial___________ Last Name______________
Addres__________ City___________ State______________ Zip_________________
Home Phone____________________ Work__________________ Cell__________________
Social Security
Email Address
Emergency Contact
check if you would like to receive email reminders and promotions
Name_________________ Relation___________________ Phone number______________
Phone number
Employer Information of Subscriber Insurance
Employers Name_________________ Phone number_________________ Address_________________
City_________________ State_________________ Zip_________________
Full time student Yes No Where_________________________________
Insurance Information (If you do not know the following information please contact your insurance company by phone or internet.)
Subscribers Name
Social Security
Insurance Company
Plan Name
Phone number Address City State Zip
Group Number Policy Number Payor ID/Number
Individual Deductible _$ Individual yearly max _$ Renewal date / /
Secondary Insurance Information
Subscribers Nam
Social Security
Insurance Company
Plan Name
Address City State Zip
Group Number Policy Number Payor ID/Number
Individual Deductible _$ Individual yearly max _$ Renewal date / /
Referral source
How did you hear about us?
Dental insurance plans do not normally provide full coverage of your dental bill. Your dental coverage is a contract between you and your insurance company, and while we will cooperate to the fullest in expediting your claim, you are ultimately responsible for your account. Your portion of the bill will be due at time of service.
If your insurance has not paid within 60 days from the date from the date of service, we will look to you for prompt payment of the account. All costs for collection of the account, should collection procedures or small claims court become necessary, will be passed on to the patient and/or the responsible party.
I understand that, due to any false information, I will be subject to criminal prosecution
Signature__________________________________ Date_______________________
Patient Name ___________________________________ DOB __________________
Physician’s Name: Address: Phone:
Are you having pain or discomfort at this time? Y N Please explain:
Do you feel very nervous about having dental treatment? Y N Please explain:
Have you ever had a bad experience in a dental office? Y N Please explain:
Have you been a patient in the hospital during the past two years? Y N Please explain: Are you under the care of a medical doctor? Y N Please explain: Are you taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications? Y N Please list:
Have you had any excessive bleeding requiring special treatment? ? Y N Please list:
Are you ALLERGIC or sensitive to any of the following:
Aspirin Iodine
Penicillin Codeine Egg
Latex Metal
Sulfa Other: Please list: Hay/Seasonal Nut
Circle any of the following, which y
Abnormal Bleeding………….. ou hav
Yes e ha
No d or have at present:
Liver Disease…………….
AIDS / HIV+…………..…….. Yes No Epilepsy or seizures…….. Yes No Mental Disorders………... Yes No
Anemia…………..…………… Yes No Head Injuries……………. Yes No Nervous Disorders………. Yes No
Arteriosclerosis………………. Yes No Headaches (Frequent)…... Yes No Pacemaker………………. Yes No
Arthritis………………………. Yes No Heart Disease…………… Yes No Radiation Treatment…….. Yes No
Artificial Joints/Valve………... Yes No Heart Murmur…………... Yes No Respiratory Problems…… Yes No
Asthma……………………….. Yes No Hemophilia……………… Yes No Rheumatic Fever………... Yes No
Blood Disease/Transfusion…... Yes No Hepatitis A……………… Yes No Rheumatism…………….. Yes No
Bruise Easily…………………. Yes No Hepatitis B……………… Yes No Sinus Problems…………. Yes No
Cancer/Chemotherapy……….. Yes No Hepatitis C……………… Yes No Stomach Problems……… Yes No
Congestive Heart Failure…….. Yes No Hyper/Hypothyrodism…. Yes No Stroke…………………… Yes No
Cortisone Medication………… Yes No Hypertension……………. Yes No Tuberculosis……………. Yes No
Diabetes………………………. Yes No Hypotension…………….. Yes No Tumors………………….. Yes No
Drug Addiction………………. Yes No Kidney Disease…………. Yes No Ulcers…………………… Yes No
Are you pregnant now?
Are you taking birth control pills? Y N
N What Week: ____________________ Are you nursing?
(Antibiotic medications can reduce birth control effectiveness) Y N
Do you anticipate becoming pregnant? Y N
When you walk up stairs or take a walk, do you ever stop because of chest pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue? ………… Y N
Do your ankles swell during the day? …………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..……… Y N
Do you use more than 2 pillows to sleep? …………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………….. Y N
Have you lost or gained more than 10 pounds in the past year? …………..…………..…………..…………..……………… Y N
Do you ever wake up from sleep with short of breath? …………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………… Y N
Are you on a special diet? …………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..………………….. Y N
Do you have any disease, conditions, or problems not listed? …………..…………..…………..…………..………………... Y N
If yes, please list:
Do you use any of the following products? (Please circle)
Cigarettes Alcohol Cigars Chewing Tobacco Pipe Snuff
When was your last dental cleaning and exam? _________________________________ Where?_______________________________________________________
Is there anything you would like to change about your smile?
Dr. Poulson and his team are focused on helping you with your unique needs and challenges as it relates to your oral health. Dr. Poulson is focused on providing education and understanding as it pertains to your mouth and oral health. He and his team are focused on providing everyday understanding of how to keep your mouth and teeth as healthy as possible.
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Our dentist, Dr. Poulson will recommend how often you'll need routine checkups. Ideally you should see Dr. Poulson once or twice a year. We will examine your teeth and gums for signs of tooth decay, gingivitis, and other health problems.
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Solea is the first laser that can reliably perform procedures anesthesia-free, blood-free, suture-free and pain-free. For Dr. Poulson, these are powerful technologies that allow our patients a more comfortable experience and allows us to work quicker and get more done in fewer appointments.
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481 S 8th Ave | Brighton, CO 80601 | (303) 659-1851
Nothing contained on or offered by or through this website should be construed as medical advice and should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment.
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