The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique (also called PST) was created and patented by John Chao. This technique is used to treat gum recession, and requires no stitches, no scalpel, and offers an easier recovery time than other gum recession treatments.
Using the Pinhole Surgical Technique means that treatment can be completed in one simple session instead of multiple sessions. Additionally, because there’s no need for an incision or stitches, the recovery time is quicker and easier.
During the procedure, the affected teeth and gums are cleaned and your gum tissue will be numbed using a local anesthetic. Once you’re numb, a small entry point (around 0.1 inch) will be made in the receding gum tissue.
Next, Dr. Jeff Poulson will use specialized dental instruments, which are designed and patented by Dr. Chao, the PST inventor. These instruments will free the gums at the entry point and will move the gum tissue down to its proper position on the teeth. Lastly, collagen strips will be passed through the pinhole and placed underneath the gums. These strips will help to keep the gum tissue stable and in its proper place.
PST has been thoroughly tested over the last several years and has proved to be successful and shows lasting results. Here at Poulson Family Dental, we are proud to be one of only a handful of dental practices to offer the Pinhole Surgical Technique in Brighton, Colorado. Click to learn more here.
To learn more about this procedure, please contact our office today.
Dr. Poulson and his team are focused on helping you with your unique needs and challenges as it relates to your oral health. Dr. Poulson is focused on providing education and understanding as it pertains to your mouth and oral health. He and his team are focused on providing everyday understanding of how to keep your mouth and teeth as healthy as possible.
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Our dentist, Dr. Poulson will recommend how often you'll need routine checkups. Ideally you should see Dr. Poulson once or twice a year. We will examine your teeth and gums for signs of tooth decay, gingivitis, and other health problems.
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Solea is the first laser that can reliably perform procedures anesthesia-free, blood-free, suture-free and pain-free. For Dr. Poulson, these are powerful technologies that allow our patients a more comfortable experience and allows us to work quicker and get more done in fewer appointments.
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481 S 8th Ave | Brighton, CO 80601 | (303) 659-1851
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