Do you clench or grind your teeth while you sleep? You may even clench or grind your teeth during the day. You are not alone. Many people are afflicted with clenching, bruxism, or teeth grinding. Some people may do this consciously during the day, but it is a larger problem at night while you are asleep. Grinding your teeth can damage enamel, wear down teeth, incur jaw pain, or irritate your gums. The least effect may simply be noise that can disturb your spouse's sleep if loud enough.
If you clench or grind your teeth you should seriously consider a night guard. The night guard is very similar to a mouth guard worn by athletes. It provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth while you sleep. Every night guard is custom fitted and molded for your mouth. Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and have the night guard created by a dental lab. Night guards are very durable and can be used for up to 10 years.
If you suspect you might be clenching or grinding your teeth at night set up an appointment with us today.
Dr. Poulson and his team are focused on helping you with your unique needs and challenges as it relates to your oral health. Dr. Poulson is focused on providing education and understanding as it pertains to your mouth and oral health. He and his team are focused on providing everyday understanding of how to keep your mouth and teeth as healthy as possible.
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Our dentist, Dr. Poulson will recommend how often you'll need routine checkups. Ideally you should see Dr. Poulson once or twice a year. We will examine your teeth and gums for signs of tooth decay, gingivitis, and other health problems.
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Solea is the first laser that can reliably perform procedures anesthesia-free, blood-free, suture-free and pain-free. For Dr. Poulson, these are powerful technologies that allow our patients a more comfortable experience and allows us to work quicker and get more done in fewer appointments.
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481 S 8th Ave | Brighton, CO 80601 | (303) 659-1851
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